Pengaruh Status Gizi Kehamilan, ASI Eksklusif, dan Imunisasi Dasar dengan Stunting Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Balangan

Pengaruh Status Gizi Kehamilan, ASI Eksklusif, dan Imunisasi Dasar dengan Stunting Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Balangan


  • Dicky Septiannoor Khaira Universitas Borneo Lestari
  • Rahmat Hidayat Universitas Borneo Lestari
  • Aulia Ramadhani Universitas Borneo Lestari



ASI Eksklusif, Imunisasi Dasar, Pasca Pandemi, Status Gizi Kehamilan, Stunting



Pada bulan Juni 2023 Indonesia telah resmi lepas dari masa pandemi Covid-19 dan menjadi masa endemi. Masa peralihan dari pandemi ke endemi tentunya akan ada dampak baik maupun buruk terutama pada aspek kesehatan yaitu stunting. Terjadi perburukan stunting ketika masa pandemi Covid-19 dan dampak dari stunting sudah tentu buruk bagi masa depan anak secara fisik maupun motorik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan 2 Kecamatan dan 6 Desa lokasi fokus stunting Kabupaten Balangan pada bulan Oktober 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain case control. Sampel dengan perbandingan 1:2 maka total sampel untuk kelompok kasus sebanyak 22 balita usia 24-59 bulan yang stunting dan kelompok kontrol sebanyak 44 balita usia 24-59 bulan yang normal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh status gizi kehamilan, ASI eksklusif, dan imunisasi dasar dengan stunting pasca pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Balangan. Hasil analisis statistik chi square menunjukkan bahwa status gizi kehamilan, ASI eksklusif, dan imunisasi dasar berpengaruh dengan stunting pasca pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Balangan. Para calon ibu dan para ibu agar lebih memperhatikan kesehatan yaitu aspek keseimbangan status gizi, pemberian ASI secara eksklusif, dan pemberian imunisasi dasar yang lengkap sesuai dengan umur anak.

Kata kunci: ASI Eksklusif, Imunisasi Dasar, Pasca Pandemi, Status Gizi Kehamilan, Stunting



In June 2023, Indonesia officially emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic and has become an endemic period. The transition period from pandemic to endemic will of course have both good and bad impacts, especially on the health aspect, namely stunting. Stunting worsened during the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact of stunting is certainly bad for children's future physically and motorically. This research was carried out in 2 sub-districts and 6 villages where the stunting focus was located in Balangan Regency in October 2023. This research used a case-control design. With a sample ratio of 1:2, the total sample for the case group was 22 toddlers aged 24-59 months who were stunted and the control group was 44 toddlers aged 24-59 months who were normal. This research aims to analyze the effect of pregnancy nutritional status, exclusive breastfeeding, and basic immunization on stunting after the COVID-19 pandemic in Balangan Regency. The results of the chi-square statistical analysis show that the nutritional status of pregnancy, exclusive breastfeeding, and basic immunization influence stunting after the COVID-19 pandemic in Balangan Regency. Expectant mothers and mothers should pay more attention to health, namely aspects of balancing nutritional status, exclusive breastfeeding, and providing complete basic immunization according to the child's age.

Keywords: Exclusive Breastfeeding, Basic Immunization, Post-Pandemic, Pregnancy Nutritional Status, Stunting


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How to Cite

Khaira, D. S., Hidayat, R. . and Ramadhani, A. . (2024) “Pengaruh Status Gizi Kehamilan, ASI Eksklusif, dan Imunisasi Dasar dengan Stunting Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Balangan: Pengaruh Status Gizi Kehamilan, ASI Eksklusif, dan Imunisasi Dasar dengan Stunting Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Balangan”, Afiasi : Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 9(1), pp. 35–42. doi: 10.31943/afiasi.v9i1.349.


